Céspedes-Hernández, D., González Calleros, J.M., Guerrero García, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Rodríguez-Vizzuett, L. :
Methodology for the Development of Vocal User Interfaces
Natural User Interfaces allow users to interact with systems similarly as they interact with people. Human communications occur, mostly, in an oral way, since personal dialogs to phone calls and more recently in complain or information systems; the tendency is to automate some of these activities so the user might complete tasks in a more efficient way. The necessity for having a methodology that supports the development of vocal interfaces is therefore taking interest on it. The objective for this sample paper is to establish a methodology and to describe a set of rules that might be used for developing a software tool to generate code for multiplatform vocal User Interfaces from models.
Proceedings of the 4th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Céspedes-Hernández, D., González Calleros, J.M., Guerrero García, J., Vanderdonckt, J., Rodríguez-Vizzuett, L.