Interface Model Elicitation from Textual Scenarios
During the stage of system requirements gathering, model elicitation is aimed at identifying in textual scenarios model elements that are relevant for building a first version of models that will be further exploited in a model-driven engineering method. When multiple elements should be identified from multiple interrelated conceptual models, the complexity increases. Three method levels are successively examined to conduct model elicitation from textual scenarios for the purpose of conducting model-driven engineering of user interfaces: manual classification, dictionary-based classification, and nearly natural language understanding based on semantic tagging and chunk extraction. A model elicitation tool implementing these three levels is described and exemplified on a real-world case study for designing user interfaces to workflow information systems. The model elicitation process discussed in the case study involves several models: user, task, domain, organization, resources, and job.
Lemaigre, Ch., Guerrero, J., Vanderdonckt, J.
Springer, Boston
Proc. of 1st IFIP TC 13 Human-Computer Interaction Symposium