Escolar, J. R., G.Cachón, C., Marín, I., Vanderdonckt, J. and Motti V. :
A model-based approach to generate connection- aware applications for the mobile web
The development of context-sensitive applications for the mobile web implies significant challenges for developers, mainly due to device diversity and the variability of the Delivery Context. One specific challenge is to create applications able to work not only when connection is available but also when disconnected. The effort required to create such applications is excessively high in spite of the facilities provided by emerging technologies. A model-based approach for the development of this type of applications is presented in this article. We present a navigation model described by means of an extended version of the State Charts eXtensible Markup Language (SCXML) proposed by W3C.
Escolar, J. R., G.Cachón, C., Marín, I., Vanderdonckt, J. and Motti V.
ACM, MatrixRom
Revista Română de Interacţiune Om-Calculator
A model-based approach to generate connection- aware applications for the mobile web